Corporate Identification Number or Company CIN No. in India

Corporate Identification Number or Company CIN No. in India

This unique distinguishing number code associated with a company located in India, is also called as Corporate Identity Number, Company CIN No. Code, or Company CIN Number/No.. Whenever a company of any specified type is registered in India by Indian or Foreign entrepreneurs or investors, it is given a unique CIN number. This unique identification number, given in the Certificate of Incorporation, is allotted to the concerned company by the relevant Registrar of Companies (ROC), functioning under the canopy of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. Thus, this corporate identification number consisting of a 21-digit alpha-numeric code, is issued to every company incorporated in entire India.

The importance and usage of this company CIN number code, are great and varied. This corporate CIN number identifies a company in entire India, gives the basic details about the related company, and thus, authenticate the real existence of the company. Hence, this corporate CIN number code, must be referred to, as and when a company requires to introduce itself anywhere. This significant number code allotted to a company must be quoted in correspondence with or data submission to MCA, particularly in the audits and reports.

Structure of the Company CIN No. Code

As mentioned above the corporate identity number is a unique 21-digit alpha-numeric code, to distinguish a company located in India, from all other countries situated in entire India. For example, the CIN of the Reliance Industries Limited is as follows: L17110MH1973PLC019786.

The structure of this CIN Number Code covers the following six constituent parts:

  • Part-1: The first alphabetic character shows the 'Listing Status' of the concerned company in the Indian stock market. If the company is listed on stock exchange, then it will be 'L'; and if not listed on the same, this character will be 'U'.
  • Part-2: This part contains the next 5 numeric digits to represent the Industry Code. MCA has their own categorization in this regard, connected with the National Industrial Classification-2004 (NIC-2004).
  • Part-3: The next 2 alphabets bear the State Code, the State wherein the registered office of the related company is located. For example, it will be 'MH' for Maharashtra.
  • Part-4: The next 4 numeric digits show the Year of Incorporation.
  • Part-5: The next 3 alphabets distinguish the specific Type of the Company. For example, the alphabets in brackets will be used in specific cases --- for a Public Limited Company (PLC), or for a Private Limited Company (PTC), or for a Limited Liability Partnership company (LLPIN), or for a private limited Subsidiary of a Foreign Company (FTC), etc.
  • Part-6: The last 6 numeric digits indicate the Registration Number given by the concerned ROC.

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