Trademark Class 31: Grains and Agricultural

Trademark Class 31: Grains and Agricultural

Trademark Class 31 

Trademark Class 31 relates to grains and farming, green and ranger service items excluded in different classes; live creatures; crisp products of the soil; seeds; regular plants and blossoms; foodstuffs for creatures; malt. 

The accompanying products are additionally characterized under Class 31: 

Crude woods; 

Crude oats; 

Prepared eggs for incubating; 

Mollusca and crustacea (live). 

Subsequently, Trademark Class 31 essentially incorporates arrive items not having been subjected to any type of planning for utilization, live creatures and plants and additionally foodstuffs for creatures. 

The accompanying products must NOT be ordered under Class 31: 

Societies of small scale life forms and parasites for therapeutic purposes; 

Dietary supplements for creatures; 

Semi-worked woods; 

Fake angling goad ; 



Extensive rundown of products characterized under Trademark Class 31 

The accompanying merchandise must be grouped under Trademark Class 31: 

green growth for human or creature utilization/ocean growth for human or creature utilization 

algarovilla for creature utilization 

almonds [fruits] 

aloe vera plants 

creature foodstuffs 

creature swelling arrangements/animals stuffing arrangements 

items for creature litter 

live creatures 

fragrant sand for pets [litter] 

artichokes, new 

bagasses of stick [raw material] 

crude barks 


beans, new 

beet, new 

berries, new organic products 

drinks for pets 

winged animal sustenance 


grain pound for creature utilization 

reproduced stock 

grain seeds, natural 

chestnuts, new 

eatable bites for creatures 

chicory roots 

chicory, new 

Christmas trees* 

citrus natural product, new 

cocoa beans, crude 

coconut shell 



crawfish, live 

shellfish, live 

cucumbers, new 

cuttle bone for winged creatures 

refinery squander for creature utilization 

puppy bread rolls 


arrangements for egg laying poultry 

eggs for bring forth, prepared 

angle generate 

angle, live 

angle supper for creature utilization 

angling snare, live 

flax supper [fodder] 

blossom knobs/globules 

blossoms, normal 

blossoms, dried, for design 

grub/dairy cattle nourishment/scrounge 

natural product, new 

natural product deposit [marc]/marc 

cultivate herbs, new 

garlic, new 

grains [cereals] 

grains for creature utilization 

grapes, new 

groats for poultry 



herrings, live 

jump cones 


juniper berries 

kola nuts/cola nuts 

leeks, new 

lemons, new 

lentils, new 

lettuce, new 

lime for creature scavenge 

linseed for creature utilization/flaxseed for creature utilization 

linseed feast for creature utilization/flaxseed supper for creature utilization 

litter peat 

lobsters, live 

insect beans, crude 


maize cake for dairy cattle 

malt for preparing and refining 

pound for stuffing domesticated animals 

feast for creatures 

zoological display creatures 

mushroom generate for spread 

mushrooms, new 

mussels, live 


nuts [fruits] 


oil cake/steers cake 

olives, new 

onions, crisp vegetables 

oranges, new 

clams, live 

palm trees 

palms [leaves of the palm tree] 

shelled nut dinner for creatures 

shelled nut cake for creatures 

peanuts, new 

peas, new 

peppers [plants] 

pet sustenance 

pine cones 


plants, dried, for design 

dust [raw material] 

potatoes, new 

poultry, live 

side-effects of the preparing of grains, for creature utilization/leftover results of oats for creature utilization 

assault cake for dairy cattle 

deposit in a still after refining 

rhubarb, new 

rice feast for search 

rice, natural 

pulls for sustenance 

flower shrubberies 

unpleasant plug 


salmon, live 

salt for cows 

sanded paper for pets [litter] 

sardines, live 

ocean cucumbers, live 

seed germ for natural purposes 


seeds for planting/plant seeds 

eatable sesame, natural 

shellfish, live 


silkworm eggs 


spinach, new 

sharp lobsters, live 

squashes, crisp/marrows, new 

slow down sustenance for creatures 

straw mulch 

straw litter 

straw [forage] 

fortifying creature search 



truffles, new 

trunks of trees 

fish, live 

turf, regular/grass 

stripped timber 

unsawn timber 

vegetables, new 

vine plants 


wheat germ for creature utilization 

wood chips for the fabricate of wood mash 

wreaths of regular blooms 

yeast for creature utilization

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